Fill in this form, send your donation (suggested donation is £10) and we will send you your badge and add you to our mailing list.
Welcome to the Friends of Well-Being!
You will receive your badge and membership card in the post before our grand-opening in October.
Making your Annual Donation
The suggested annual donation is £10, but please do give as your able. All the money you donate will go towards Well-Being @ St James'
and enhancing the church building or the services we offer.
You can pay by
cash or
cheque by posting them to: The Vicarage, Llys Bychan, Holywell, CH8 7SX
(please include your name, so that we know who it's from).
Or you can pay directly by Bank Transfer (BACS) or bank details are
Name: Holywell Parochial Church Funds
Sort Code: 20-25-69
Account Number: 20462896
Please use reference “Friends” followed by your initials as the reference.
A family of Anglican Christians learning to love God and our neighbour in Holywell and Greenfield.